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Our Philosophy

Coaching philosophy; 8 facts that I value the most

Mindset is everything. This sport is arguably way more mental than it is physical. Let’s make sure we are 100% ready to take on this training block
My biggest piece of advice is to take away the BIG goals.. and concentrate on the SMALL goals first and foremost. Once we smash the the small goals out of the park it’s then we will attack the big goals.
Don’t force it all at once.
Trust the process
I love versatility and don’t think we should be restricted to one distance. It’s good to dabble in a few as it’s good to have strings to your bow!
Speed, strength end endurance can all coincide with each other and complement each other.
Variety is key!! No one wants a mundane, “samey” week to week routine. (Although, with that said, it doesn’t take anything too fancy and crazy as its consistency week in week out that is going to be key!)
There are 1 percenters (spoiler alert, they are worth much more than “1%”) that are going to be absolutely necessary in getting those marginal gains, I.e, your PBs!!
Your happiness, mental health and life around this crazy running journey will always hold MORE value. (Never feel bad if you can’t hit a certain session or have to call it on a run because of other life factors).
Coaching philosophy; 8 facts that I value the most

Keep having fun with it. This is meant to be enjoyable (and sometimes it isn’t) but overall we want you to enjoy what you’re doing!
B workouts for A races. Crushing every workout you do, can lead to a tired runner at the start line of a race. Leaving each workout feeling like you had just a little more in you is the sweet spot!
Consistency is key. Training stacks on itself. No one workout or one week of training makes for a great race. It’s the culmination of work over a period of time that makes for great performances on race day.
Variety puts tools in your toolbox for race day. Strength, speed and endurance should be something we all strive to feel confident in on race day. A variety of workout types will allow you to feel your most confident self on race day.
It’s not one size fits all. I like to think of runners as a puzzle. Each piece of training fits together in a unique way for each person. Finding what works for you leads to confidence, momentum and PB’s!
Stress + REST = Growth. Taking the necessary rest whether it’s a day off or a short easy run allows the body to adapt after hard work.
Stress is stress even outside of running. Our body processes it all the same whether it comes from a hard workout or a long day at work. Finding the balance between your life and your training is necessary to ensure a healthy body and mind.
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